NetHasp key driver

HASP License Manager

Version (15,9 Mo)             (release 05/2008)

CAUTION: Connect your key only after having successfully completed setup.

Setup your NetHasp key.

  1. Download the NetHasp key driver:
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Setup the NetHasp key driver on the computer by running the lmsetup.exe file and follow the instructions.
  4. Connect your NetHasp key on the USB port only when the installation wizard prompts you to do it.

Configuration of the nethasp.ini file (recommended)

To have your network key detected by the other computer, you must specify the IP address of your server on your client. To do this:
  1. Download and unzip the file:
  2. Open the nethasp.ini file with notepad.
  3. In the row : NH_SERVER_ADDR =, substitute by the IP address of your server.
  4. Save the file next to Pallet-express.exe, ie for a default installation: C:\Program Files (x86)\itech\PALLET_Express_4.0_FR\Bin


Configuration of the nethasp.ini file (advanced user)

  1. Download, unzip and setup DiagnostiX v1.10:
  2. Run the utility . in the left panel choose "HASP" then nethasp.ini.
  3. Activate the option "customized ini files"and enter the IP address of your server.
  4. Save the file next to Pallet-express.exe, ie for a default installation: C:\Program Files (x86)\itech\PALLET_Express_4.0_FR\Bin

Warnings on downloads:

  • If a dialog box asks you to run or save the file, click Save and then run the file from your computer.
  • Depending on your security settings, a yellow warning line may appear in the navigation bar. Click Allow to accept the download.